AFGE is proud to recognize National Disability Employment Awareness Month observed in October. Our union continues its efforts to advocate for policies that support people with disabilities in the government workforce.
“AFGE takes very seriously the needs of the disabled community,” said AFGE District 14 National Fair Practices Affirmative Action Coordinator Frank Silberstein. “That has and continues to be demonstrated by continually training our members and officers about how to get medical accommodations, how to litigate whenever there is discrimination, by representing complainants in litigation, and by lobbying to improve the recruitment, hiring, retention, and promotion of workers in the federal sector and for those in the D.C. government.”
In addition to legislative avenues, the AFGE Women’s and Fair Practices Departments (WFP) work tirelessly to represent employees who face discrimination at work because of their disability or other protected class.
Through our equal employment opportunity (EEO) attorneys and the AFGE Human Rights Committee, union members can receive critical representation and guidance on EEO matters.
“AFGE recognizes the impact it has on assisting our disabled federal workers in the workforce,” said AFGE District 7 National Fair Practices Affirmative Action Coordinator Yvonne Renee Evans. “The AFGE Women’s and Fair Practices Departments and Human Rights Committee are continually educating our union members, and our congressional leaders, by stressing the importance of enforcing the disability act and making changes as needed. “
WFP offers a comprehensive suite of EEO self-paced training modules for union activists who want to grow their skills in protecting and advocating for themselves and their colleagues against discrimination in the workplace, as well as an extensive guide on workers’ EEO rights under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.