Valorie is a employee at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Floridia and a member of AFGE Local 1594.
Organized Labor has always been on the frontline advocating for civil and equal rights. Securing rights for our LGBT brothers and sisters is a continuation of that struggle.
Consequently, I believe that Labor plays an integral role in advancing LGBT rights. The declaration: "Human Rights - Workers Rights -Same Struggle" has the same timeless meaning now as it did 50 years ago.
From my entry into federal service 30 years ago when being closeted was the norm, AFGE/NVAC was one of the first nation-wide MCBAs to include sexual orientation in 1997.
More recently, we have seen further validation by the AFL-CIO in the establishment of the Pride at Work constituency group. Clearly our work is cut-out for us, but by and large, I have found AFGE members and others more accepting and requesting more education on LGBT issues.
In a word: validation.
Possibilities! We have untapped and unlimited possibilities to work with our allies to create, develop, and nurture a more inclusive and diverse workforce.
I have pride in knowing my union accepts and supports me for who I am.