(WASHINGTON, D.C.)—The nation’s largest union for federal and DC government workers, AFGE, today announced the launch of its official blog web site believed to be the first of its kind: UnionBlog.com. Web logs, or blogs for short, are a sort of cross between an online diary and links to current news reports. Blogs have become a popular means of communication.
“We felt the need to launch a web log that would not only cater to our members, but government workers in general and the public as well,” said AFGE National President John Gage.
UnionBlog.com will include typical features such as links to important media and information web sites and a personal column by National President John Gage, but the site will eventually integrate interactive activist features such as surveys and petitions. “We plan to give the people new vehicles to make their voices heard,” said Gage.
AFGE represents 600,000 federal and DC government employees nationwide and overseas, including DoD, Department of Homeland Security, TSA, Social Security Administration, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. For more information on AFGE visit www.UnionBlog.com or the official AFGE web site www.afge.org.