(Chicago)—The AFL-CIO has expanded its executive council to include AFGE National Vice President Women’s/Fair Practices Department Director Andrea Brooks.
Brooks has been an AFGE member for more than 30 years. She began her government career at Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis. While working at the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), Brooks saw the necessary role of the union from the start. After training several men at the DVA who went on to become her supervisors, she decided to become a steward with her AFGE Local to clear up "what's wrong with this picture."
Brooks soon was chief steward, then vice president, secretary-treasurer, executive vice president and then president for 10 years of AFGE Local 490 at the Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Los Angeles, California.
Her other AFGE credentials include serving as vice president of the AFGE National VA Council and 12th District Women's Coordinator. In 1986, she accepted the position of national representative for the 12th District. Following her role as a national representative, Brooks was elected and served six years as AFGE's 12th District National Vice President, representing Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada.
Brooks' labor activism has always included collaboration with the AFL-CIO. She was voted vice president of the California State AFL-CIO and helped to formulate the first federal sector subcommittee at the Los Angeles Central Labor Council.
As the director of both the AFGE’s Women’s and Fair Practices Department, Brooks holds a vision for AFGE to move into the forefront of civil rights activism. "I want AFGE to be known as the civil rights union," Brooks emphasizes. As part of its inherent mission, AFGE's view of civil rights includes all colors, national origins, genders, abilities and religion.