(WASHINGTON)-Continuing its push to transfer the Federal Protective Service out of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the American Federation of Government Employees today applauded the Department of Homeland Security conferees for endorsing such an action.
“On behalf of AFGE Local 918, the Federal Protective Service union, I want to congratulate the DHS Appropriations Committee conferees for allowing the transfer of FPS out of ICE and into the National Protection and Programs Directorate as part of the FY 10 DHS Appropriations bill,” AFGE Local 918 President David Wright said. “In our view, NPPD is a far more appropriate home for this beleaguered agency and the nation will see a stronger, more effective FPS under the new leadership.
“I am proud that it was our union that first uncovered the long festering problems at FPS and the need for immediate and comprehensive reform,” he said. “Too often unions are accused of focusing only on the workers and not the mission of federal agencies. In this and many other cases, it is the union and its workers who are willing to pull back the curtain and expose the truth.”
FPS has come under attack for reported weaknesses in federal building security, which AFGE publicly attributed to underfunding and mismanagement, and more specifically in the number of contract guards hired to protect said buildings.
“The transfer of FPS is the first critical step on the road to FPS reform, but there is much more to be done,” Wright added. “We look forward to working with the Congress to advance further important reforms later this year.”
Earlier this year, AFGE and Wright commended President Obama for proposing the transfer of FPS from ICE to the NPPD, stating that “ICE was meant to be a big brother to FPS. We needed Wally Cleaver but unfortunately we got Eddie Haskell.”
AFGE’s Local 918 is a national local that represents FPS employees across the country.