AFGE’s Human Rights Committee (HRC) and Y.O.U.N.G Committee recently held their annual planning meeting that energized committee members and provided guideposts for how the committees will continue to advocate for AFGE members.

AFGE Human Rights Committee
The HRC is comprised of the National Vice President for Women and Fair Practices and the 24 elected district officers called the National Fair Practices Affirmative Action Coordinators (NFPAAC) and the National Women's Advisory Coordinators (NWAC). The purpose of the HRC is to implement programs around civil, human, women and workers’ rights and study and propose legal, legislative and/or administrative proposals relating to improving working conditions with a focus on eliminating employment discrimination in the federal and D.C. government.
During this year’s meeting the committee discussed legislative updates, advancing its EEO and representation initiatives, and ways to continue to implement its objectives around public relations, education and training, and organizing. Both the HRC and Y.O.U.N.G. Committee worked to develop resolutions for the 2022 AFGE convention.
"Though the pandemic has impacted all our lives in many ways, the HRC and Y.O.U.N.G. committees didn't let that stand in the way of doing the work that is needed to lead our union forward in the fight against discrimination,” said AFGE HRC Chair Fredna White. “As the chair of the HRC, myself along with other HRC Members were able to participate virtually in the HRC meeting, subcommittee meetings, and complete the trainings that were offered throughout the week. In serving on the HRC for over 30 years as a HRC member, this meeting stood out above some of the rest because of the growth, harmony, and unity that was displayed by the HRC and Y.O.U.N.G. leaders working together as one team!"
The AFGE Y.O.U.N.G. Committee used their time during the multi-day meeting and training to assess previous project plans and break into their subcommittees, including media and branding, training and mentoring, legislative and political action, and resolutions. Y.O.U.N.G. will use the ideas and initiatives it developed at the meeting to fulfill its mission to promote the inclusive empowerment and education of young workers as engaged activists and leaders in the labor movement.

AFGE Y.O.U.N.G Committee
“It was amazing to see the Y.O.U.N.G. Committee and the HRC working side-by-side, hand-in-hand to develop resolutions that would benefit all of the members of our great union,” said AFGE Y.O.U.N.G. Committee Chair Kendrick Roberson. “Further, the parallel exchange of wisdom from our various union walks were of the highest value during our training session. I can claim, without a doubt, that the solidarity in AFGE is growing stronger and stronger, and as time presses on, so shall we. Who are we? AFGE!"
This year’s joint training also featured presentations from AFGE national leaders and subject matter experts on organizing, legislative activity, workplace safety, and voting rights. Additionally, attendees participated in a train the trainer session and a diversity, equity, and inclusion roundtable discussion.
"As the NVP for WFP, I believe that leadership is the ability to connect with those around you and lead them toward a successful outcome for the greater good of our AFGE members,” said AFGE National Vice President for Women and Fair Practices Jeremy Lannan. “The HRC and Y.O.U.N.G. committee members came together as leaders by exemplifying the power of AFGE solidarity and reaffirming that we as a union can accomplish amazing work when we create a space for our AFGE leaders to share their experience, knowledge, and diversities with one another. I am very honored to work with such an amazing team of leaders who have built a movement around showing us all how to ‘Stay AFGE Ready.’”

AFGE Y.O.U.N.G. and Human Rights Committee
NVP Lannan thanks the AFGE staff, especially the WFP staff, for planning, facilitating, and empowering both the HRC and Y.O.U.N.G. leaders to complete the work on behalf of AFGE members.