May is Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month. It’s a dedicated opportunity to pause and celebrate the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders and their significant contributions to the growth and development of the United States.
First designated as a week-long commemorative event in 1978, it was expanded into a congressionally recognized month-long celebration in 1992.
AANHPI Heritage Month began with the efforts of former Capitol Hill staffer Jeanie Jew along with the help of Ruby Moy, a former New York lawmaker’s chief of staff. Jew had witnessed the U.S. Bicentennial celebrations of 1976 and was concerned about the lack of recognition given to Asian Pacific Americans. She, along with Moy, spearheaded efforts to have Asian American and Pacific Islanders recognized at the highest levels of government with an annual commemoration.
AFGE is proud to celebrate its AANHPI members and uplift their experiences and voices through the union’s constituency group, AFGE A.P.O.W.E.R., which stands for Asian Pacific Organized Workers Empowering Representation.
Established by a resolution adopted by the National Executive Council in 2021, A.P.O.W.E.R. seeks to assist members who identify as AANHPI and allies nationwide. A.P.O.W.E.R. also strives to provide an environment that promotes professional development, acknowledges AANHPI contributions, and supports collaborative efforts in furthering the betterment of working conditions for all AANHPI workers and their allies.
Rena Youngblood, chair of A.P.O.W.E.R., said A.P.O.W.E.R. is steadfast in its goals to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our AANHPI members and allies.
“We continue to provide and improve education, resources, and services for all of our AFGE AANHPI members,” she said. “We have strengthened our partnerships with other constituency groups and affiliates that support our work in this organization and within our communities. We continue to foster a professional and respectful environment while strengthening the AANHPI voices in AFGE.”
Youngblood added that A.P.O.W.E.R. will continue to organize our AANHPI members as it has some collaborative projects in the near future.
“We rise and stand with all of our brothers and sisters! We are stronger together! We are AFGE!”
This year, Women’s and Fair Practices Departments and AFGE A.P.O.W.E.R. are celebrating AAPINH Heritage Month by holding several events throughout the month. On May 7, for example, there was a movie night featuring the film American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs, educating AFGE members about the important work of A.P.O.W.E.R., and acknowledging and appreciating the contributions that Asian American and Pacific Islander workers have made to the labor movement and to the broader community.
Join us for other exciting events:
Overview of AFGE A.P.O.W.E.R.
May 21, 2024 from 7:00–8:30 p.m. ET
Register here:
AFGE A.P.O.W.E.R. Lunch & Learn
May 23, 2024 from 12:00–1:00pm ET
Register here:
Learn more about A.P.O.W.E.R. at