The winners of the 2017 International Labor Communications Association (ILCA) Labor Media Contest have been announced, and AFGE’s Communications Department walked away with nine awards!
The annual ILCA Labor Media Awards honor writing, visual communications, social media, video, and web-based work about the labor movement’s mission, challenges, and victories.
AFGE’s Communications Department took home four first-place awards, three second-place awards, and two third place awards. Here’s the breakdown:
1st place
No, the VA is not broken op-ed (Writing Awards/Best Editorial or Column)
The Government Standard May/June 2016 (Visual Communication Award/Best Front Page/Cover)
AFGE Activist Mobile App (Writing Awards/Best Electronic Content)
2016 Presidential Campaign Rapid Response (Electronic Media/Best Use of Social Media)
2nd place
AFGE Week in Review (General Excellence/Electronic Publication)
VA Staff, Vets Fight Closures at Dozens of Rallies (Writing Awards/Saul Miller Awards/Political Action)
Definition of a Federal Employee (Visual Communication Awards/Best Informational Graphic)
3rd place
AFGE National Website (General Excellence/Website)
Labor Day: We Earned It (Electronic Media/Best News Video)
Congratulations to the Communications Department! This is further proof that AFGE’s communications team is among the best in the labor movement!