John Johns, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Maintenance Policy and Programs in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, will host the AFGE Depot/Arsenal Caucus at the Pentagon on Thursday, Feb. 12, for a roundtable discussion on policy and budget issues impacting the government-owned, government-operated industrial base.
This meeting, the first of its kind for AFGE, will continue the ongoing dialogue established between the DoD depot and arsenal Locals through participation in the annual DoD Maintenance Symposium and one-on-one meetings with senior decision-makers from the military services and DoD. It is designed to be one of a series in an attempt to open communication between the senior decision-makers in Washington and the workforce on the front lines in the field so that military readiness is improved.
In addition to the presidents and officers of AFGE Locals, AFGE President J. David Cox Sr. and a number of National Vice Presidents as well as the Chairman of DEFCON will participate in this seminal meeting on behalf of AFGE. DoD will be represented by senior executive civilians and general officers from the Army, Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, the Joint Staff, DoD Comptroller and the Office of Cost Analysis and Program Evaluation, all of whom serve as members of the important DoD Maintenance Executive Steering Committee, which sets key policies for DoD.
Key topics will include acquisition reform, management of the civilian workforce, core logistics statutes, the statutory requirement that at least 50% of depot work be carried out by defense civilian employees, and other laws that require the Department to maintain a robust organic industrial base during peacetime as well as periods of conflict.
Additionally, on Tuesday, preceding the Pentagon meeting, Mr. Johns will meet with the AFGE Depot/Arsenal Caucus to discuss specific facility issues of concern during the union’s annual Legislative Conference.