What is the current state of the federal workforce?
According to the most recent data released by the White House, the federal workforce is increasingly more diverse. They are now working in higher-grade types of work compared to decades ago. Compared to those in the private sector, federal workers are also better educated and work in higher-skill occupations.
Here’s a snapshot of the federal workforce as of Sept. 2021:
Total civilian federal workforce: 2.2 million
Average age: 47
Under 30: 8.3%
55 and over: 29%
Male 55.6%
Female: 44.4%
With at least one disability: 17%
Veteran: 28.4%
American Indian or Alaska Native: 1.6%
Asian: 6.5%
Black: 18.2%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific islander: 0.5%
More than one race: 2%
Hispanic/Latino: 9.5%
White: 61%
5 largest agencies
Defense: 783,200 FTEs
Veterans Affairs: 402,800
Homeland Security: 201,600
Justice: 115,900
Agriculture: 83,700