Celine McNicholas
Director of Labor Law and Policy, EPI
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) under the Trump administration is attempting to roll back critical protections for working people, attacking workers’ rights to organize and collectively bargain. In a new proposed rule, the NLRB is siding with corporate interests―pitting business owners against workers.
The Trump NLRB is attempting to make it easier for corporations to avoid responsibility for violations of labor law―as well as avoiding the bargaining table altogether. The agency proposed weakening the “joint-employer standard” under the National Labor Relations Act. This would make it nearly impossible for workers to bring the companies that share control over their terms and conditions of employment―such as pay, schedules, and job duties―to the bargaining table. If the Trump NLRB is able to roll back the existing standard, it will erode workers’ right to collectively bargain.
Right now, there is a public comment period where we must make our voices heard. Click here to tell the NLRB and the Trump administration that all working people have the right to negotiate fair wages, scheduling, and benefits.
Over the last several decades, companies have increasingly relied on subcontracting and staffing agencies for their workforce. As a result of the complicated contracting relationships, it is more difficult for working people to hold their employers accountable for violations of the law as well as engage in effective collective bargaining. It is critical that our rules and laws reflect this new reality―which is why it is so important that we defend the 2015 NLRB joint-employer standard.
The political debate around this issue has been orchestrated by corporate lobbyists intent on weakening collective bargaining rights and continuing to tilt the legal and policy playing field against working people.
Stand with EPI and our partners to protect our right to collectively bargain. Click here to submit an official comment to the National Labor Relations Board today.
Together, we’re demanding an economy that works for everyone, not just corporate interests.
Thank you!