As civil servants, we take the oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We take the oath seriously, and we are proud to serve the American people and help move our country forward.
But throughout the year, public criticism of civil servants suggests that civil servants might be pursuing agendas other than the one laid out in the oath.
AFGE is urging federal employees to participate in the Uphold the Oath campaign, a digital grassroots project that celebrates and thanks America’s federal civil servants and encourages them to publicly reaffirm their commitment to the ideals listed in the oath of office.
AFGE is a proud partner of the Uphold the Oath campaign and is encouraging our members to record and submit video of themselves reciting their oath of office. The campaign will then release these videos as a PSA-style media appeal as a show of patriotism, unity, and commitment to the Constitution. Individual oath videos will not be posted to the website or shared publicly until organizers have hundreds of submissions.
Through these videos, #UpholdTheOath seeks to remind Americans of the sacred obligation of civil servants to support and protect the Constitution in service to our country above all else. It also seeks to convey the message to the American public and our elected leaders that public service and an independent civil service is vital to maintaining our freedoms and our prosperity.
This is a nonpartisan project open to all organizations that support current and former federal employees. AFGE members wishing to participate can do so by visiting the campaign website: .