Ten Steps Every AFGE Local Should Take to Prepare RIGHT NOW
The Trump Administration will waste no time dismantling the government and targeting AFGE for extinction. We can’t afford to waste a moment preparing ourselves to survive and thrive in this hostile environment. Here are 10 steps every local can take right now to get ready.
Update Your Contact Information
- Update your contact information at www.afge.org/update so we can get you the latest information and alerts when it matters most. Sign up for text alerts: text AFGE to 59129
Secure and extend CBAs
- Secure and extend CBAs. If your contract is currently open, close it as soon as possible before December 20 to allow for agency head review and make sure to include a four year or greater term. If your agreement is already closed and expires before 2029, approach management about a clean extension through 2029.
Attempt to Settle All Pending ULPs
- Attempt to settle all pending ULPs. With anti-union changes anticipated soon at the Federal Labor Relations Authority, you should seek to settle pending ULPs as soon as possible to achieve the most favorable resolution possible.
Get Off Agency Equipment/Email Systems
- Get off agency equipment/email systems. Now is the time to switch to union-owned phones, computers, and email systems so that we’re prepared if agency resources are restricted. Locals interested in creating their own websites can click here to learn more about AFGE's microsite program.
Seek Out Private Office Space
- Seek out private office space or make plans for a virtual office, including storing copies of all union documents at a non-agency local or server. This will ensure we remain effective and accessible even if federal property use is restricted. Review our Guidance for Transitioning to a Virtual Office.
In addition, we have provided some resources below for physical office space listings:
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades
5403 Dividend Dr, Decatur, GA 30035
POC: Melanie Silverstein: (803) 770-9040
Atlanta North Georgia Labor Council
501 Pulliam St SW #517, Atlanta, GA 30312
POC: Marie Thompson (678) 828-1596
South Carolina AFL-CIO
2999 Sunset Blvd, West Columbia, SC 29169
POC: President Boris Gibson (919) 909-8515
Raise Your Local Dues or Set Aside Funds in Your Budget
- Raise your local dues or set aside funds in your budget to cover potential expenses—whether for new equipment, rental space, or reimbursement for lost representational time.
Strengthen Your Team By Recruiting Volunteers
- Strengthen your team by recruiting volunteers and engaging retiree members to support representation work in case official time is slashed.
Get Your Local Registered for E-Dues
- Get your local registered for E-Dues. Act now to protect dues collection by signing up at www.afge.org/edues. If you have any questions about E-Dues, contact the team at [email protected].
- Use These Resources to Learn More:
Request a List of Bargaining Unit Employees
Speak Out to Congress and the Media