Common Questions:
Answer: Call 202-639-6444 and ask for Data Processing.
Q: How do I process disband/mergers?
A: Consult with your NVP to process the Montrose Documents. The NVP will then send the completed paperwork to the NST’s office, and we will process the disband/merger.
Q: How is the Bond Amount for my Local calculated?
A: The Bond amount is calculated based on 10% of your total assets and cash accounts.
Q: How do I get a copy of my current Bond?
A: Please call the National Secretary-Treasurer’s Office at 202-639-6438.
Q: How do I increase/decrease my Bond?
A: Please call the National Secretary-Treasurer’s Office at 202-639-6438.
Q: What is the procedure when members want to review the Local’s Financial Records?
A: Members must make a request in writing. If there are particular documents the members want to review, please ask them to specify which documents.
Q: How do I get a copy of the Constitution?
A: Click here to download the AFGE Constitution. The constitution can also be found on the NST Advisor Resources page. If you'd like to purchase a hard copy, you can send a check or money order for $4.00 payable to AFGE – addressed to Office of the National Secretary Treasurer, AFGE, 80 F Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001.
Q: What is the process for increasing membership dues?
A: Fax the minutes of your membership meeting whereby you agreed to increase the membership dues and how much to the AFGE Finance Department (202-639-6442). Additionally, you must send a notification of the increased amount to be deducted to your members’ Agencies’ payroll department, with the effective date, to begin deducting the new amount.
Note: Each Agency will have a specific process to follow for dues deduction.
Q: How do I pay Per Capita Taxes online?
A: Sign up for auto pay by logging into – click the MyLocal link – Click on the AutoPay tab.
Note: Noninsured Locals autopay is deducted on the 20th of each month; Insured Locals autopay is deducted on the 1st of each month. Locals will get 48 hours prior notice before the date of deduction.
Q: Who should sign checks on behalf of my Local?
A: The Treasurer should sign all checks, and the President counter-signs.
Q: How many credit cards is the Local allowed to have?
A: The President and Secretary-Treasurer are typically the officers allowed to hold credit cards on behalf of the Local. Policies and procedures for credit card purchases should be outlined in the Local’s bylaws.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of my Local’s charter?
A: Please call the National Secretary-Treasurer’s Office at 202-639-6438.