Free Accident Insurance
Your AFGE membership entitles you to enroll in free coverage for accidental death (AD) insurance worth up to $20,000 provided by Union Plus for one full year. No medical exam. No hassle.
Benefit Features:
- $10,000 of coverage for death due to any type of covered accident at home, at work and while commuting or traveling anywhere in the world.
- Plus, $10,000 of additional coverage against covered accidental death while at work.
- At the end of 12 months, members will be offered a low- cost $100,000 accidental death policy in place of providing the option to renew the no-cost coverage.
For added protection and peace of mind, you may choose to purchase additional accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) coverage from $25,000 to $200,000 at group rates.
Not available in all states.