To see more frequently asked questions with demo videos, visit MyLocal3 or MyAFGE and click “Help”.
How do I find veteran members in the roster?
- In Advanced Search: From the “Entry Status” dropdown, choose “Veteran Status”.
Where can I see PAC data for my local?
- In Dashboard, under “Legislative/Political”.
Why can’t I change the “Join Date” for an existing member?
- Join date is used to calculate years of service should a member decide to run for the office. For this reason, once the “Join Date” is saved, it cannot be altered.
How do I add more than one officer position for a member?
- You may add one officer position when you are creating the member record for the first time. Once the record is created, you may add additional officer positions one at a time in the Update Member screen, by clicking the “Add New Position” button.
How do I transfer a member to my local?
- From the Members screen, click on “Add or Transfer”. Enter the member’s SSN, then enter either the member’s first or last name. Fill in any additional information you have, then click “Submit”. The member will now be in your local.
How do I print mailing labels only for retired members?
- In Advanced Search: From the “Member Type” dropdown, choose “Retired”. Click “Search”, then when the results are displayed, click “Print Mail Labels”.
How do I mark member address as bad?
- In the member record, there is a “Mark as Bad Address” checkbox in the “Contact Information” section.
Where can I see the balance due for my local?
Click on “Autopay” from the left-hand menu of any screen.
Where can I upload member documents?
- When the member record is opened from a search list or roster, there will be a “Member Documents” button at the top of the screen. Click that button, then click “Upload New Document”.
Where can I find dropped members?
- In Advanced Search: From the “Member Status” dropdown, choose “Drop”.
How is “Election Mailing Labels” different from “Print Mail Labels”?
- “Election Mailing Labels” prints both “good” and “bad” addresses; “Print Mail Labels” prints only “good” addresses.