(WASHINGTON) – The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) today applauded the selection of Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis (D-CA) for the post of Secretary of Labor. The labor union, which represents 600,000 federal and District of Columbia workers, said that Congresswoman Solis’ nomination makes good on President-elect Barack Obama’s promise to select a Labor Secretary who actually believes in labor.
“The selection of Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis represents a monumental shift from the policies of the past administration. Solis knows that unions are vital to the strength of our communities and that workers are the bedrock of our economy and of good government,” said John Gage AFGE national president. “We believe that Congresswoman Solis will inspire our members in the Department of Labor and rightly refocus the agency’s mission to defend workplace rights.”
Congresswoman Solis represents a clear break from the past eight years in which the Bush Administration and Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao carried out an assault on labor unions and the workplace rights of millions of Americans. “Over the past eight years our members in the Department of Labor have had to fight tooth-and-nail to defend the mission of their agency. It is truly inspiring to know that now we will have a Labor Secretary who will listen to their concerns and engage them to protect the rights of working Americans,” Gage added.