WASHINGTON—J. David Cox Sr., national president of the American Federation of Government Employees, today joined the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA at a rally on Capitol Hill to reject the Transportation Security Administration’s policy change that would allow small knives on airplanes.
“Any knife, regardless of blade size, can be used as a weapon,” Cox said. “Transportation Security Officers and flight attendants stand together against this dangerous new rule. TSA’s decision to allow knives and other potential weapons on aircraft must not stand.
“This rule endangers our TSOs, flight attendants and airline passengers,” Cox continued. “Knives were used by terrorists on Sept. 11 and they have no place on our aircraft or in our airports. Far too often, TSOs are threatened and even assaulted by irate passengers at the airport security checkpoint. Introducing a knife into that equation will only escalate the risk to our officers and pose a threat to flight attendants and passengers.
“If this rule goes into effect, TSOs, flight attendants and the flying public will be put in danger unnecessarily. We stand firmly with our AFA-CWA brothers and sisters in rejecting knives in the airport and on airplanes,” Cox concluded.