WASHINGTON – The American Federation of Government Employees is leading a coalition of more than two dozen groups, representing nearly 5 million active and retired federal and postal workers, that are calling on Congress to keep employee wages and benefits off the table during the fiscal cliff negotiations.
The organizations, all members of the Federal-Postal Coalition, signed an open letter to Congress initiated by AFGE that will be published in tomorrow’s Politico newspaper, which is distributed to every lawmaker on Capitol Hill.
The advertisement seeks to remind lawmakers that federal and postal employees are the only group of Americans who have personally sacrificed to help reduce the nation’s deficit. Federal employees have not received a pay raise since January 2010, while federal and postal employees hired after the end of this year will pay four times more for their pensions than current workers.
“To date, middle-class federal and postal workers together have endured $103 billion in cuts to their wages and pensions over 10 years. That amounts to a $50,000 pay cut to every employee,” the ad states.
“These dedicated and hardworking civil servants simply can’t afford another round of cuts to their pay or benefits,” the ad continues. “It’s time for others to contribute.”
The ad is the latest in a series of efforts by AFGE and other federal employee organizations to protect federal employee wages and benefits from further cuts. The Federal-Postal Coalition sent a letter to each member of Congress on Nov. 19, detailing the substantial sacrifices made by federal workers thus far.
AFGE also has set up telephone hotlines so federal employees can call their representatives and senators directly and urge them to oppose any cuts to pay and benefits for working class Americans. The House hotline number is 1-888-907-5171; the Senate number is 1-888-907-8362.