TEXAS-Two new units of health care professionals have chosen AFGE as their union representative in recent elections.
Professional employees at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso voted for AFGE in an election held Aug. 27, 2003. The new unit of some 170 employees covers such positions as registered nurses, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists and social workers. The employees will become part of the existing AFGE local at the Army facility-Local 2516.
The election win at the Dallas Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center and Fort Worth Clinic on Sept. 10, 2003, brings some 470 professional employees into AFGE, covering such federal jobs as doctors, pharmacists, psychiatrists, physical and recreational therapists, social workers and physicians assistants. This new unit will be folded into AFGE Local 2437, which already represents registered nurses and non-professional employees at the Medical Center and Clinic.
"More and more professional employees are turning to our union to help them resolve important issues such as budget reductions and staffing at the workplace," stated AFGE National President John Gage. "AFGE is working hard to ensure that government employees have the resources they need to provide critical services to the American people."