What: Endorsement of Tim Kaine for Virginia governor Sponsored by AFGE Local 3615, representing Social Security Administration employees of northern Virginia
Where: Mason District Park
6621 Columbia Pike
Annandale, VA
When: Thursday, September 22, 12:00-2:00 p.m.
Who: Tim Kaine, Virginia Lt. Governor and candidate for Virginia governor
John Gage, AFGE National President
Jim Davis, AFGE National Secretrary-Treasurer
Andrea Brooks, AFGE Nat’l Vice President for Women and Fair Practices
Dwight Bowman, AFGE National Vice President, 14th District
(WASHINGTON) - The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) will announce its endorsement of Tim Kaine in the Virginia race for governor this Thursday, September 22 at the AFGE Local 3615 annual cookout. Local 3615 represents hundreds of Virginians who work for the Social Security Administration in northern Virginia. AFGE represents tens of thousands of federal employees who are also Virginians.
“Federal employees are inherently connected to the community because of the essential contributions they make to our society through the work they do. But it is often overlooked that federal employees are also constituents, relying upon the same roads, sending their children to the same schools, and getting frustrated by the same traffic headaches as their fellow Virginians,” said AFGE National President John Gage.
Gage noted that the governor’s race will determine the outcome of issues important to Virginians represented by AFGE like traffic, education, health care and BRAC.
“Tim Kaine is clearly the best choice for Virginia families in the governor’s race. Tim Kaine has a long history of being there for working people, so AFGE will be there for him through Election Day,” said Gage.