(WASHINGTON, D.C.)—John Gage, National President of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), today issued the following statement regarding the 4.1 percent pay increase Executive Order.
“AFGE is glad that the President finally found the time to pay the people who work for the public good everyday—the dedicated Americans who keep the food supply safe and the homeland secure.
“Thankfully, members of Congress recognize the valuable contributions of federal employees who daily risk their lives to support this nation’s war on terrorism both abroad and at home.
“For the first time in history, Congress not only approved a 4.1 percent increase for General Schedule federal employees, but also provided a 4.1 percent increase for Wage Grade workers and employees in the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security.
“I certainly hope and urge President Bush to support pay parity—the same pay increase for federal employees as for military personnel. But regardless, AFGE will again work with lawmakers to ensure that the tradition and fairness of pay parity is maintained.”
www.opm.gov for pay raise schedule.