AFGE President Bobby L. Harnage is scheduled to testify at the hearing tomorrow, June 28, in Room 2154 in the Rayburn House Office Building at 2:00 p.m. Concerned AFGE members will also be in attendance.
"We've traveled a long and hard road to get a hearing and we thank Representative Davis for the opportunity," said Harnage. "Federal employees are going before Congress to tell it like it is--contracting out is undermining our national defense, environment, food safety and Social Security. Private companies are more concerned about maximizing profits and less about serving the people."
The TRAC Act would track costs and savings from contracting out, require public/private competition, abolish arbitrary personnel ceilings, emphasize contracting-in, and address wages and benefits paid by contractors.
Members of Congress, allied organizations and AFGE are concerned that Office of Management and Budget (OMB) officials have committed the Bush Administration to converting to contractor performance without public/private competition or subjecting to public/private competition at least 425,000 federal employee jobs over the next four years.
AFGE is the largest union for government employees, representing 600,000 federal workers in the United States and overseas, as well as employees of the District of Columbia. To learn more about AFGE, log onto