Tim Kauffman
[email protected]
WASHINGTON – American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox Sr. today issued the following statement expressing AFGE’s solidarity with striking Denver teachers:
“Working people across this country struggle to make ends meet every day due to a rigged economy that benefits only the wealthiest corporations and individuals. This is especially true for our public-school teachers, who have one of the most important jobs of all – yet are woefully underpaid.
“AFGE members stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the Denver Classroom Teachers Association, who went on strike Monday after 15 months of failed negotiations with Denver Public Schools. Denver teachers are fighting for a fair and transparent pay system that provides everyone with a living wage – something all workers deserve.
“Over the past year, we have seen teachers and school staff in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, Colorado, Los Angeles, and elsewhere walk off the job to demand better conditions for themselves and the children they are entrusted to teach. They are literally fighting for our nation’s future, and we stand beside them every step of the way.”