Tim Kauffman
[email protected]
WASHINGTON – American Federation of Government Employees National President J. David Cox Sr. today issued the following statement:
“AFGE strongly opposes legislation introduced by Congressmen Steve King of Iowa and Joe Wilson of South Carolina that would weaken the ability of workers across the country to bargain collectively for better wages and working conditions.
“These union-busting bills claim that they give workers the "right to work" but that label hides their real purpose, which is to destroy labor unions. In states where these noxious laws are in place unions barely exist. Wages are lower, benefits are sparse or non-existent, workplaces are more dangerous, and workers are expected to suffer in silence. The King-Wilson bill – H.R.785 – would extend these terrible terms of employment to workers nationwide.
“Union contracts benefit everyone in the workplace, but there's no such thing as a free lunch. Enforcing the contract requires resources, so it’s only fair that all employees contribute to uphold standards. A national so-called "right-to-work" law benefits only the corporations and CEOs who profit by shortchanging the working people and should be rejected by anyone who cares about the working class."