(WEST HAVEN, CONN.)—Registered nurses at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in West Haven and four surrounding clinics overwhelming chose the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) as their representative in an election held Wednesday, October 17, 2001.
The results of the election were: 138 for AFGE; 48 for no union.
Long working hours, calls to report to work at all times of the day and night, and subjective promotions were some of the issues in the representation campaign.
“These registered nurses had absolutely no say in their working conditions,” National President Bobby L. Harnage stated. “With AFGE as their representative, they will now have plenty to say about working conditions and the care of our nation’s veterans.”
A new AFGE Local—Local 2138—has been chartered by AFGE District 2 National Vice President Derrick Thomas to represent the West Haven registered nurses.
The American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, is the largest union for government employees, representing 600,000 federal workers in the United States and overseas, as well as employees of the District of Columbia. AFGE represents some 135,000 employees working for the Department of Veterans Affairs. To learn more about AFGE, visit www.afge.org.