Chance to Compete Act
- What it would do: Reestablish competitive hiring as the preferred method for staffing the civil service by ensuring that vacancies are open to the public and to other qualified federal workers, establishing panels of subject-matter experts to assist with screening applicants, and allow applicants deemed qualified for certain kinds of work to be considered for multiple jobs across the government without having to reapply for each one.
HR 0159 |
Z NA |
Passed House |
Stopping Home Office Work’s Unproductive Problems Act (SHOW UP Act)
- What it would do: Repeal telework policies implemented at federal agencies since 2020 and require agencies to get administration approval over future telework policies.
HR 0139 |
S 1569 |
Passed House |
Federal Adjustment of Income Rates Act (FAIR Act)
HR 7127 |
S 3688 |
Introduced |
- What it would do: Prohibit the federal government from selling vehicles with an open and actionable recall to the public and require federal agencies that lease or own vehicles with an available recall to remedy the defect
HR 0799 |
Introduced |
Comprehensive Paid Family Leave Act
- What it would do: Provide federal employees with 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave
HR 0856 |
S 0274 |
Introduced |
Equal COLA Act
HR 0866 |
S 3194 |
Introduced |
Honoring our Fallen TSA Officers Act
- What it would do: Amend federal law so the survivors of Transportation Security Officers can receive public safety officers’ death benefits like those offered to the families of fallen firefighters, police officers, FBI agents, and state troopers
HR 0871 |
Z NA |
Introduced |
Saving the Civil Service Act
- What it would do: Protect the federal workforce from politicization by preventing federal employees from being reclassified outside the merit-based competitive service without prior authorization from Congress and limiting employee conversions from the competitive to excepted service
HR 1002 |
S 0399 |
Introduced |
Conducting Oversight to Secure Transparency (COST) of Relocations Act
- What it would do: Require any federal agency preparing to relocate to conduct and release to the public a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of the proposed move before it is carried out
HR 1106 |
S 0487 |
Introduced |
Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act
- What it would do: Improve safety and oversight of federal meat inspections by ending self-inspections by meat producers, increasing the number of federal food inspectors, ending high-speed slaughter lines, and screening animals for dangerous drugs
HR 0805 |
S 0272 |
Introduced |
Firefighter Pay Equity Act
- What it would do: Ensure that all hours worked by federal fighters are counted toward retirement, including mandatory overtime
HR 1235 |
Z NA |
Introduced |
Law Enforcement Officers Equity/Parity Act
HR 1322 |
S 1658 |
Introduced |
Protecting the Right to Organize Act
- What it would do: Protect the right of all U.S. employees to form a union and bargain for higher wages, better benefits, and safer workplaces
HR 0020 |
S 0567 |
Introduced |
Eric’s Law
- What it would do: Allow prosecutors to impanel a second jury if a jury in a federal death penalty case fails to reach a unanimous decision on a sentence, thereby potentially avoiding situations where those convicted of violent crimes escape further punishment because they are already serving a life sentence
HR 3449 |
S 0529 |
Introduced |
Federal Prison Oversight Act
- What it would do: Require the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General to inspect all 122 Federal Bureau of Prisons facilities and assign risk scores to each, with high-risk facilities subjected to additional inspections and recommendations.
HR 3019 |
S 1401 |
Introduced |
VA CPE Modernization Act
- What it would do: Expand the types of clinicians who are eligible to receive reimbursement for continuing professional education at the VA and increase the amounts they may receive to pursue continuing education and training to better serve our veteran patients
HR 0543 |
Z NA |
Introduced |
Restore VA Accountability Act
- What it would do: Reinstate the original VA Accountability Act of 2017 on bargaining unit employees and further limit the rights of VA employees by allowing the agency to repeal or bypass collective bargaining agreements with AFGE and other unions
HR 4278 |
S 2158 |
Introduced |
Protecting VA Employees Act
- What it would do: Reverse two of the worst parts of the VA Accountability Act of 2017 by reestablishing the “preponderance of the evidence” standard instead of the harsher “substantial evidence” standard and restoring the ability of MSPB and independent arbitrators to mitigate overly harsh disciplinary actions
HR 4906 |
Z NA |
Introduced |
Veterans HEALTH Act
NA |
S 1315 |
Introduced |
Veteran Care Improvement Act
- What it would do: Codify access standards for veterans’ health care that were created under the Trump administration, prohibit the use of telehealth appointments to meet these standards, and undermine the VA’s ability to manage use of private, for-profit care providers.
HR 3520 |
Z NA |
Introduced |
Fund the TSA Act
- What it would do: Ensure TSA can pay its workers fair wages and labor rights, fund its law enforcement needs and invest in future screening technologies by dedicating all passenger security fee collections to the agency.
HR 3394 |
Z NA |
Introduced |
Washington, D.C. Admission Act
- What it would do: Provide for the admission of the state of Washington, Douglas Commonwealth into the United States.
HR 0051 |
S 0051 |
Introduced |
VA Correct Compensation Act
What it would do: Ensure that all Title 38 VA health care providers receive the correct compensation by allowing federal unions to hold the agency accountable for routine payroll errors through the grievance process.
Take action: Tell Congress to support the VA Correct Compensation Act of 2023
HR 6538
NA |
Introduced |
TSA Commuting Fairness Act
What it would do: Requires the TSA administrator to conduct a feasibility report to the House Homeland Security Committee and the Senate Committees for Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Homeland Security and Government Affairs concerning treating travel time on the airport grounds as on-duty time for TSA employees.
HR 8662
NA |
Introduced |