AFGE’s General Counsel’s Office is the law office for AFGE members. Since 2005, AFGE’s GCO attorneys have handled over 1,000 cases and won over half a billion dollars in back pay for our members through cases involving removals, suspensions, reductions in grade, reductions in pay, and furloughs.
AFGE’s Legislative, Political, and Mobilization Department fights every day to protect AFGE members’ standard of living, workplace rights, and ability to succeed on the job.
Our team of dedicated lobbyists makes AFGE members’ voice heard loud and clear on Capitol Hill. We push for pro-worker legislation, an effective civil service, and strong oversight of agency management. We work to confirm agency and judicial nominees who will support federal workers.
Our policy program represents AFGE members on key decision-making bodies like the Federal Salary Council, the Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee, the Employee Thrift Advisory Committee for TSP and an Advisory Council for the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program.
AFGE's organizing program works to recruit new members and mobilize our membership. National organizers and our local activists develop, coordinate, and execute organizing activities at the local level, sharing the AFGE message and growing our union to better protect AFGE member jobs, benefits, and pay at work sites across the country.
Our union is only as strong as the contracts that protect the rights of our members. That's why AFGE’s field service and education department is dedicated to bargaining the strongest contracts in the labor movement and keeping our members educated about their rights.
The AFGE Communications Department are media and communications professionals working to amplify the voices of AFGE members and tell your story using a variety of cutting-edge digital tools as well as traditional media strategies. Our award-winning communications program ensures AFGE members have an influential voice in the conversations taking place about the federal and D.C. governments, relevant policy and legislation, and the issues affecting working people across the country.
AFGE's Information Services program provides secure, user-friendly, and reliable solutions that help better represent AFGE members. Our mission is to provide members like you with peace of mind, knowing that the tools you need to be effective are right at your fingertips.
AFGE's Human Resources Department is in charge of keeping employees of AFGE safe, healthy, happy, and productive.
From having letterhead designed, to creating flyers and graphics to help organize members around topics that matter to government workers, the Member Services Department has you covered.
AFGE’s headquarters are located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. moments from the Capitol building and accessible to the White House and other government agency headquarters tasked with managing agency operations throughout the country. AFGE’s Building Services department keeps our national headquarters building in excellent condition for staff and leadership use. If your local would like to reserve meeting space contact [email protected] for more information.