AFGE’s Code of Conduct sets expectations for acceptable behavior of all participants at AFGE activities, events, or meetings. You may access the code at
If you believe you have been subjected to unacceptable behavior, please contact the Code of Conduct designee for this meeting. The designee for this meeting will be (insert name of designee(s)).
Note: View the Code of Conduct Amendment
AFGE is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, bullying and harassment. As such, we do not tolerate discriminatory, harassing or otherwise unacceptable behavior at any of our activities, events or meetings. We expect everyone who participates in any of our activities, events or meetings to abide by the following Code of Conduct. This code of conduct does not apply to matters that are covered by the AFGE Constitution.
AFGE expects all participants in AFGE activities, events or meetings to conform to the following code of conduct:
This code of conduct is not intended to restrict free and open debate, but rather is concerned with preventing unacceptable behavior, as detailed below. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following:
We ask you to respect our values of diversity, equity and equality and conduct yourselves at this event consistent with those values. We have designated the person identified as the first point of contact for any participants who feel they have experienced discriminatory, harassing or otherwise unacceptable behavior, please contact them if you have any concerns. Any AFGE staff person who is subjected to unacceptable behavior should also contact the designee.
Please contact the designee with any questions or concerns.
Amended by NEC Ballot
March 26, 2020