AFGE firefighters and law enforcement officers gathered in the nation’s capital the week of Oct. 21 for joint training exercises.
A total of 17 members from the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Marshals Service participated in the week’s activities, which included training on organizing, legislative issues, and equal employment opportunities.
“Members generated some good ideas to grow and better communicate our efforts to the greater membership,” said Andrew Peterson, who chairs the AFGE Law Enforcement Steering Committee.
The LEO Committee formed subcommittees to focus on the following five areas: Communications, Legislative and Political Mobilization, Field Services Education and Training, Membership and Organizing, and Women’s and Fair Practices.
Participants attended more than 30 meetings with members of Congress during the week to encourage their support for AFGE-backed legislation directly related to federal firefighters and law enforcement officers.
Six bipartisan members of Congress attended an AFGE reception on Capitol Hill: Don Bacon of Nebraska, who has sponsored House legislation to reform the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act; Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska; Jamie Raskin of Maryland; John Rutherford of Florida, who is vice chair of the Law Enforcement Officer Congressional Caucus; Pete Stauber of Minnesota; and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.