As it turns out, this person was born in Maryland, which has one of the highest shares of federal jobs in the country. But Rep. Diane Black doesn’t represent the state she was born in. She represents Tennessee where she moved to after getting an associate’s degree in nursing.
Why are we talking about Rep. Black? Because Rep. Black, a member of the House Budget Committee, recently asked a lot of questions of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) about how and which agencies identify which of our jobs can be privatized, how many of our jobs have been privatized, savings from reviewing our jobs for privatization, and what the administration is doing to promote privatization of our jobs. Her questions seemed very focused on handing over control of public functions to for-profit businesses.
It’s curious that not a single question she asked was about how the government could spend taxpayer dollars more wisely by insourcing work that has been contracted out as federal employees are two to three times cheaper than contractors.
The back and forth between Rep. Black and OMB was posted on the website of the Business Coalition for Fair Competition, which was behind last year’s unsuccessful Jenkins amendment to the defense bill that would have prevented any work from ever being insourced for cost reasons, among other things.
It is likely that amendments to promote privatization and prevent insourcing will be considered in both the House and the Senate.