Professional Liability Insurance
Lawsuits and frivolous complaints against federal employees are becoming the new “norm” in today’s workplace. Every federal employee runs the risk of having an investigation against them; no employee is off limits. Whether you are an analyst, secretary, law enforcement officer, doctor, nurse, etc., at any time during your career you can become the target of an investigation or complaint.
Non-management employees face actions that could be misconstrued or taken out of context, insubordination, time and attendance issues, misuse of government property, etc.
Police officers, correctional officers, border patrol agents, and judges have a high risk of civil lawsuits being filed against them.
In reality, all it takes is one complaint against management, one angry supervisor, a vindictive inmate, a failed assignment, or jealous co-worker to open a can of worms and both your job and personal assets could be at risk.
What benefits are included?
- Choice of $1 million, $2 million, or $3 million of civil liability for judgments against you
- $100,000 or $200,000 for defense costs
- $10,000 accidental death benefit while on the job (exclusive to AFGE members)
What does CareerGuard® cover?
- Negligent acts and judgments from alleged acts, errors, or omissions while in your scope of employment.
- Administrative and disciplinary proceedings
- Criminal acts
- LEOSA HR218 coverage (qualified law enforcement officers acting in such capacity)
- Security clearance revocations/recertification for scope of employment related actions
How much does this valuable coverage cost?
The short answer is as low as $.40 cents a day if eligible for agency reimbursement*. Cost is dependent upon the level of coverage chosen, from $297/year up to $505/year. Enrollment and payment options include bi-weekly payroll deduction, monthly checking account debit, or quarterly, semi-annual, annual direct billing with AutoPay options via checking account or credit card.
What is Agency Reimbursement?
Because this insurance is so valuable and needed, congress enacted federal statute that agencies reimburse eligible employees 50% up to $150/year for premiums cost. Eligible employees are defined as managers, supervisors, and law enforcement officers (check with your agency is to see if you qualify).
Who is eligible?
All Federal employees that are eligible for benefits from the American Federation of Government Employees.
Coverage is Worldwide as long as you are acting within the scope of your employment.
The policy is underwritten by Berkley Assurance Company which has an A.M. Best rating of A+ (excellent) and is a United States company.