Eric Bunn Sr. is national secretary-treasurer of the American Federation of Government Employees, the largest union representing federal and D.C. government workers. He was elected to this position in April 2020 after serving three consecutive terms as District 14 national vice president, was reelected during the 42nd National Convention in June 2022, and was reelected during the 43rd National Convention in August 2024.
Bunn has been a labor union activist for more than 35 years. His career in public service began when he joined the D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development. He quickly rose to the position of local president of AFGE Local 2725, which represents more than 1,200 professional and wage grade employees in six government agencies within the District of Columbia — Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs, Department of the Environment, Department of Health, Department of Housing and Community Development, Housing Authority, and Office of the State Superintendent.
Following his work at the local union level, Bunn was elected national vice president of District 14, representing federal and D.C. government employees in the greater Washington metropolitan area as well as in Europe.
Bunn is the first local president from the District of Columbia to be elected as an AFGE national vice president and the first to be elected as national secretary-treasurer.
Bunn has held many other positions within AFGE and throughout the labor movement, including member of the District of Columbia City Wide Labor Management Partnership Council; former president of Council 211, representing 5,000 members within 15 D.C. government agencies; board member of the AFL-CIO Maryland State and District of Columbia Federation; treasurer of the AFL-CIO Metropolitan Washington Central Labor Council; board member of the Northern Virginia Central Labor Council; and member of the Prince George’s County Administrator’s Labor Stakeholders Advisory Committee.
He is married to Debra Bunn, and they are the proud parents of three adult children and five grandchildren.