Federal Workers in CITY call for REPRESENTATIVE to take action and avoid costly government shutdown
CITY, STATE: Members of the American Federation of Government Employees Local NUMBER are calling for their elected officials in the United States Congress to pass a budget to avoid a costly government shutdown.
Members of Local 1234, which represents employees at AGENCY in CITY/STATE, are speaking out against the needless political grandstanding currently occurring in Washington and are demanding that their members of Congress do everything in their power to prevent a costly government shutdown.
A government shutdown will needlessly damage America’s economy, prevent Americans from accessing government services, and force hundreds of thousands of American workers to work without a paycheck or be locked out of their jobs.
“Every day, federal workers, a quarter of whom are U.S. military veterans, show up for their country,” said AFGE Local NUMBER PRESIDENT. “We want to continue to serve our communities, not be locked out because of tired political games in Washington.”
“It’s time for politicians to stop putting petty political grievances ahead of the needs of the American economy and its citizens,” said PRESIDENT. “We are calling on Representative NAME to prevent a costly, needless shutdown and to vote to fund our government.”
Members of AFGE LOCAL NUMBER are available to discuss the possible shutdown with members of the media. Please contact Michael Newberger([email protected]), Communications Specialist with the American Federation of Government Employees to coordinate interviews.