Letters to the editor are a quick and easy way to reach your local communities. AFGE has templates for you to use for a letter to the editor on the executive orders and the administration’s attacks on your union rights. Below you can find a template LTE and information about how to place that submission in an outlet of your choice.
America Can’t Afford Another Shutdown. It’s Time for Congress to Grow Up
In 2019, the services that our nation depend on ground to a halt. Was it a cyber attack from a hostile country? Did some kind of natural disaster strike the whole nation at once? It definitely wasn’t a worldwide pandemic.
Our government stopped functioning because our leaders in Washington put petty partisan politics over the good of our citizens. It looks like we may be hurtling towards yet another shutdown.
A shutdown would cost billions of dollars and leave Americans without access to many of the government services that keep our nation running. I represent federal workers at the AGENCY, here in CITY/STATE. Our members and federal workers nationwide work tirelessly to keep America safe, prosperous, and running at full capacity. In playing “hardball” with funding for agencies like ours, we’re only hurting ourselves as a nation. None other than Goldman Sachs estimates that the U.S. GDP would lose “a 0.2 percentage point per week once private sector effects were included.”
Government isn’t a game show. Cable news hits and social media clout shouldn’t be worth more than the functioning of the American economy and government. I’m calling on REPRESENTATIVE to put aside Washington politics and the media circus to focus on serving the American people. It’s time to commit to a vote to prevent a shutdown that will only hurt Americans here in STATE.
NAME is ROLE at AFGE Local NUMBER, which represents federal workers at the AGENCY across STATE/LOCALITY.
IMPORTANT: This information should not be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time or sent to others using government equipment, because it suggests action to be taken in support of or against legislation. Do not use your government email address or government phone in contacting your Member of Congress.