AFGE HISCO has been a vital and active coalition within AFGE that provides support for professional advancement, leadership development, educational opportunities for AFGE members of Hispanic/Latinx origin, and the expansion of AFGE's political influence surrounding legislative and political action.
AFGE HISCO reflects the diversity that exists within the Hispanic/Latino community and, like AFGE's Y.O.U.N.G, AFGE Pride, AFGE B.L.A.C.K., and AFGE A.P.O.W.E.R. AFGE HISCO advocates for equal rights and fair treatment of all workers, both within and outside the federal and DC governments. Throughout the past two decades AFGE HISCO has provided hospitality for AFGE events and raised awareness of issues of importance to Hispanics through its educational and cultural programs, has celebrated prominent Latino leaders such as Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez, and recognized AFGE members through its sponsorship of the Ade/ante Award for service to their union and their communities.
In the past AFGE HISCO board members worked tirelessly to lobby Members of Congress in support of a bilingual pay differential for federal and de government workers and have consistently demonstrated their ongoing commitment to AFGE by participating in agency-wide organizing campaigns and mobilizing members to action on a broad array of political issues.
At the 42nd AFGE National Convention in 2022, AFGE delegates approved a resolution permanently placing AFGE HISCO under the Women and Fair Practices Department as a Constituency Group and Program.