MCC’s Admin Cap limits our ability to deliver on our mission of Poverty Reduction through Growth
MCC’s Cap is Lower than Similar Agencies
In a review of six comparable international development agencies, only three have an admin cap, all of which are higher than MCC’s.
Agencies with a similar top-line appropriation to MCC (around $1b), have an admin cap nearly twice MCC’s at around $250m.
Raising MCC’s admin cap to $250 million will put us on even footing with other Agencies.
MCC Needs to Compete in a 21st Century World
MCC has faced sophisticated CCP disinformation campaigns targeting our programs. America’s global competitors know how impactful MCC’s large infrastructure investments can be.
However, MCC’s technology is outdated and underfunded due to our low admin cap. Other Agencies are investing in in-house AI, MCC staff are lucky if they have enough keys on their keyboard to spell AI.
Fiscal Accountability is built into MCC’s Model
MCC has a unique model with requires that our projects to deliver not merely break even, but to deliver at least a 10% economic return to beneficiaries.
Raising MCC’s admin cap would not cost Congress a single dollar, but would make MCC’s investments more impactful and ensure the agency is able to deliver on our mission of poverty reduction through growth.
Support MCC to Raise our Admin Cap to $250 Million